Download the latest version of the POS ( and the latest version of your connector (POSforWebshops_POSConnector-xxx.tgz)
Update the POS on your local PC
- Log in to the backend of your local installation. It will probably be something like http://localhost/Your-POS-Name/ administrator .(where Your-POS-Name should be replaced with the name of the folder where your POS is located)
- Go to Extensions > Extension manager
- Under "Upload package file" select the file "" and press Upload
- Go back to your POS frontend and press CTRL+F5 to reload to get the latest version.
Update the Connector on your Magento Webshop
- Open the backend of your webshop
- Go to System > Magento Connect > Magento Connect Manager
- Login again with your admin credentials
- Find "POSforWebshops_POSConnector" in the list and select "Uninstall" in the dropdown
- (Don't worry, your settings will not be deleted)
- Click "Commit Changes" and wait for the process to complete
- Scroll back up to "Direct package file upload"
- Under "2 Upload package file" select the file "POSforWebshops_POSConnector-xxx.tgz" and press Upload